Thursday, October 21, 2004

oops! i did it again...

not a girl, not yet out of the evil clutches of puberty

hope you enjoyed "love your body day." i baked raisin branana muffins [not a typo], and ate a crisp green granny smith dipped in whole foods caramel dipping sauce to celebrate.

on the topic of loving your body, not sure if i should, but i have to say i feel a twinge of pity for britney spears. go to google and type "britney no makeup" and see all the sites devoted to photos of her looking like us or even worse at times. check out this one for the meanest comparison shots. the close-up photos showing glaring acne are the ones that make me the saddest. having bad skin really sucks and can happen to anyone. what's the big deal?!

hate to say it because she makes my nerves raw with annoyance, but you know who looks damned good? star jones. she is really looking good. i gotta hand it to her... reluctantly.

no one looks better than oprah now. she looks amazing.

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